Wednesday, March 14, 2018

What's Up Wednesday #4 - So Many Toxins [Medical Medium Healing]


Talking about toxicity! So many toxins here in Wisconsin! Sprays in the sky, 5G towers, pesticides, hard water full of copper! It's so hard on our poor bodies, mine in particular, which is already so overloaded!

I'm doing the Thyroid Rehab Challenge from Medical Medium's third book, "Thyroid Healing". I've been feeling the fatigue! But never so bad as it was when I was so chronically ill. There should be a range of words for fatigue that tell you really the different stages. But here's what the thesaurus gave me: lethargy, weakness, weariness, debility, dullness, enervation, ennui, exhaustion, faintness, feebleness, heaviness, langour, lassitude, listlessness, brain fog, burnout, fatigation, overtiredness.

I'm drinking the most delicious pineapple ginger smoothie, recipe courtesy of Medical Medium. It's amazing! You should try it too. Very helpful for restoring glucose when you're in extra need! As I am, having been working on this video about heavy metals. Man, such heavy stuff! So many toxins in so many unexpected places.

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