Friday, June 15, 2018

Raw Sweet and Sour Cauliflower [recipe]

Today I made a new food, and it was delicious! Raw Sweet and Sour Cauliflower
based on a cooked recipe by @lovethroughplants which we will try next. She has some amazing plant-based recipes, go check out her delectable Instagram.


Raw Sweet and Sour Cauliflower
(raw, vegan, fat-free, plant-based, medicalmedium)

6 c cauliflower florets
1/2 c sundried tomatoes
10 Medjool dates
1 c hot filtered water for soaking
2 Tbs lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1/4 c onion
1/2 thumb ginger
Salt & Pepper to taste
Sesame seeds and chopped scallions to top

Soak dates in hour water until soft, about 15 min. Then use soak water to soak tomatoes until softened, also about 15 minutes. When soft, put all in high-speed blender except cauliflower, sesame seeds and scallions. Add soak water to thin and blend. In lg bowl, coat cauliflower with sauce. Put on 2 dehydrator trays and dehydrate@110° for several hours until done. Taste every couple of hours because you can't wait. 😊

Serve plain sprinkled with sesame seeds and scallions, or over a bed of potatoes or leafy greens or add to a salad or noodles.

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