Sunday, March 24, 2019

Tips for Medical Medium Recommendations


Medical Medium has this amazing directory on his website here. His directory lists preferred supplements, teas, foods, kitchen tools, personal care items, pet health stuff, and kids' items. All to help us get the highest quality, most effective, cleanest things we need to live our healthiest life and keep it clean for our families as well. 

I love this directory and refer to it often, as he changes his recommendations as better things become available. Mostly the supplements change, but other things change too. I have no idea how he keeps up with these things - I'm just going to guess it's spirit in his ear saying this has changed - now this is better for that thing. And the directory gets updated with the new information.

Anthony William (Medical Medium) has said that he will contact these companies himself to see if he can get them to make their products better, cleaner, or to keep formulas from changing if they change. And if he cannot get through to them or they prove themselves to be failing in that way, he will find someone who can rise to the task. That's no small feat, let me tell you! Especially on top of writing books 24/7 so we can get the best healing information available.

MM does not recommend whole companies when he recommends a product - he just recommends that product. There may be several products from that same company, but that doesn't constitute an endorsement of that company. It's only a recommendation for that specific product. And that can even exclude variations on that product, like multiple flavors, scents, or even different types of packaging that that product was in. It's just that one product.

As an example, this deodorant is one he recommends. Or this one. These are the only two listed on the directory. That means these are the only two he recommends. Not other scents from the same company or even other products. Just these two. This is what he means when he says he doesn't endorse any companies. Nor is he sponsored by any of them. If they change the formula in a way that makes them unsafe, or if he finds a product that is safer or better - he changes the recommendations. I've watched it happen in my 33 months of healing, many times.

I'm using the deodorant as an example because although I knew this was so of the supplements, my brain seemed to glitch when it came to the deodorant, and I was using a scented one - me of all people, me with chemical sensitivity - I was using a chamomile one. Same company, theoretically the same product, but not the same. Different ingredients. Why that didn't click in my brain until recently I don't know, but I thought I'd use my glitch to save someone else the same fate maybe - word to the wise.

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