Thursday, April 11, 2019

riding the rollercoaster

This is what healing looks like. It's not always what you would plan. There are up days and down days. Good days and bad days. Days when you have the energy to do whatever you want - within reason - and days when you just need to rest and nap. 

Some days fool you. You think, "Okay, I'm up for it - let's get showered and dressed and ready for the day!" only to find that once you have done so, your body is saying, "No, we rest today. We rest." And you just feel like crying, defeated. Your plan today was to see your Mom for the first time in almost 2 years, and you were so keen to see her. You are showered and dressed.

Sometimes you think you are logging into social media to see inspiration and what your fellow members of your healing tribe are up to, and some troll uses you as their target for taking out their pain on instead. And instead of being inspired, you feel the energy being pulled from you, drained away. 

And you remember someone saying, "Don't let it defeat you. Shine on, the world needs your light." And you want to. You try to, you ask the angels for their help so you can shine. But all you feel is tired, like you need to sleep. And hungry. Like you want to eat all of the potatoes. And your energy seems to already be napping somewhere. 

So you go and join it, right after you eat this delicious spiced cauliflower.

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