Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Liver Rescue 369 Advanced Cleanse Wrap-Up [Medical Medium Healing]

I just finished Round 1 of the Advanced Liver Rescue 369 Cleanse from the Medical Medium book, "Cleanse to Heal". Before that I did the Original 369. I am feeling so pleased with the results I am seeing that I'm going into another round immediately to keep this momentum going, so today is officially Day 1 of Round 2 of the advanced 369! 

What results? Lowered inflammation in my body - little bits of soreness that were starting to happen, gone. Lowered inflammation also means lowered edema - the edema my ankle likes to sport off and on - and mostly on for the past year or so - it's drastically lowered. I suspect a few more rounds might disappear it completely. Less water retention - my face and body are looking thinner. My level of energy throughout the day is better - I'm more consistently able to do the tasks I set out to. The brain fog I'd begun experiencing again before the cleanse has lowered significantly.

 And of course, I have been giving my liver the food that supports it the most, in the order that supports it the most - and that in and of itself feels amazing to know! The healing that is taking place that I don't even see? That's the really good stuff.  Medical Medium says our bodies are much smarter than our minds, and much smarter than we know (my paraphrasing, forgive me), and I have learned that truth as I have been on this healing journey. I have learned to trust my body and to trust the Medical Medium information because it works! The results speaks for themselves even when we think we're not seeing the ones we want. Time and perseverance has taught me that trust. 

All of this is enough to keep me wanting to do more rounds of this cleanse, and to talk about all that I'm experiencing! So of course, I made a video doing just that. Link is in my profile if you'd like to hear more. 

Also, I'm joining in on the @laurenhenryhealth #cleansetohealbookclub on Instagram - I've already finished this amazing book, but I'm raring to go back through chapter by chapter and discuss it with other members of this fantastic community of healing warriors! So follow the hashtag on Instagram to join in with us, share your thoughts in your own posts using that hashtag, and feel free to continue the discussion on other members' posts! 

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