Sunday, May 13, 2018

Q & A: My Friend Tried Medical Medium and it Didn't Work

Oh, my lovely Healers and Health Seekers. How many times have I heard this from people. Enough that it needs to be addressed. Because my lovelies, it simply isn't true. It's akin to saying, "I know that this is how human bodies work and this is what helps them work optimally, but I have a completely different kind of body. Mine's not human." Or more likely, "I know that this is how human bodies work but this takes time and effort, and I can't be bothered." And I guess, "I'd rather be chronically ill."

I get it. We're programmed to believe that "results" are immediate. That they look a certain way - like suppression of symptoms, and within 1-2 weeks, or in some cases, even days. My dear friends, I'm here to tell you that that's NOT what true healing looks like.

When you take a pill to suppress a symptom, that's exactly what it does - suppresses the symptom. It doesn't address the root cause, it doesn't go find the source of your issue and heal it. It just makes it so you don't have to feel those pesky symptoms anymore. More often than not, it gives you new and different symptoms instead. And what it definitely does while suppressing that symptom is drives it deeper into the body - into the organs where it lies in wait.

What the Medical Medium information does is it gives the information we need to finally and fully heal. And it also gives us the information we need to protect ourselves from chronic illness in the future. Medical Medium teaches us how our bodies actually work. Information so far ahead of science and research that it won't have a chance of catching up in our lifetimes. And I don't know about you, but I don't have time to wait and remain in chronic illness while science and research goes as it's snails pace in advancement in chronic illness. And by 'snail's pace', I mean that we are still using outdated theories from the 50s in our treatment of chronic illness and even worse, we are actually going backward - it's highly probable that we had a better grasp on how to treat and manage chronic illness in the 20s than we do now.

Medical Medium information teaches us what's at the root of chronic illness , what causes it, and how to really and fully heal it. The causes of chronic illness happen over generations and lifetimes, they are not overnight bombs going off in the body out of nowhere. They build and build and our heroic bodies keep them contained and do everything they can to protect us and keep us alive - until they are beyond their capacity and just cannot anymore.

Our illnesses don't develop overnight. Nor does healing happen overnight. It's a process and it takes time.

I had a friend who didn't read the books and tried celery juice for less than a week and said to me, "Oh, I tried Medical Medium and it didn't work for me." To that I said, "No, you didn't." I pointed out to them that they hadn't even read the book, and that they'd not even done all of the things he's recommended to do, and that they'd stopped after less than a week. How is that even "trying" anything? 

They didn't, my friends. That's not trying anything . That's just drinking some celery juice here and there and then blaming Medical Medium because they weren't willing to really do it. They didn't read the books so they'd understand the information. They didn't take out the foods that feed pathogens. They didn't implement the healing foods. They didn't even drink celery juice. And they didn't give it any time at all.

Healing is a process, my Healers and Health-Seekers. It takes time. For those healing foods to do their work and help the body become hydrated. To help the liver work at optimal function. Do you know how much work the liver has to do JUST to clear the sludge from the body SAFELY in order for it to even come close to being able to really work properly and clear out the toxins as they come in? Well, it varies for everyone, but the short answer for all of us is A LOT.

We live on a toxic planet, my friends. We have toxins passed down for generations (not genetically) from our parents, grandparents and on down the line. Stuff that is still stuck in our livers from birth. Then on top of it we are surrounded by toxins - in our air, in our soil, in our water, in our processed and conventionally grown foods. We are surrounded by pesticides, herbicides, fungucides, nanotechnology, heavy metals, plastics, radiation, the list goes on and on. It's EVERYWHERE, my friends.

Sure, there are things we can do to minimize our exposure to these things, but we can't avoid it. It's all around us. And that stuff builds up in the body. The liver has to find way to encapsulate it so it doesn't harm the body when it can no longer get it safely out. And what prevents it from getting safely out is fat. Our diets today - everyone's - are loaded with fat. Animal protein, even lean protein, is fat. All of it. Meat, dairy, fish, nuts, seeds, oils, avocados - all are fat. If you think you aren't eating a high fat diet, think again - what we have been told about fat is a lie, my friends - our diets are loaded with fat. And fat clogs the liver. It thickens our blood. It prevents the liver from doing its job. It prevents nutrient absorption. It prevents the liver from being able to fight invaders and protect the body from them.

And over time, all of this builds and builds and builds in the body and when the liver can no longer fight off the invaders such as viruses and bacteria that we are also all exposed to on a daily basis, it is overcome and we become chronically ill. Do you see how this builds and builds over a lifetime?

So why would we think that if we drink a few glasses of celery juice or anything else that ALL OF A SUDDEN BAM! The liver would be spotlessly clean and able to just POOF away our symptoms and work optimally? How, if we really understood how the body works and what was happening inside it, could we possibly think it would be able to do that overnight?

We wouldn't, because we are all smarter than that. We would understand that it takes time for the liver to regain function and to clean up and to be able to get the body at full function again. We would understand that it would need consistent hydration, consistent glucose and mineral salts to rebuild its glycogen stores and to start to work again as it should. We would understand that even when it did begin to work again as it should, it might take even more time to really SEE what we would call "results" on the outside, because it's going to have to rebuild, and like rebuilding any muscle, it takes consistency and time.

We would understand that even if we can't see it right away, healing IS happening, because when you are staying hydrated, supporting your adrenals, feeding your body healing foods, supporting your lymph and liver, nothing else could happen BUT healing. We would know to look for every tiny improvement and celebrate it as a victory because that's one more level unlocked. And we would understand that during healing, there will be setbacks as the liver lets go of more toxins, and we will experience flares of old symptoms as those old toxins are finally able to clear from the body.

But it wouldn't make us afraid, because we would understand that this time, it's temporary because now we are doing everything we need to do to support our bodies in their healing. And with that happening, the body can only be supported to heal. It's just how bodies work. So we wouldn't quit everything we'd done up to this point and decry Medical Medium as being a failure. Because we would know that healing takes time, just like becoming chronically ill took time.

We would know that in time, we WILL one day have a full and complete cessation of symptoms. And one day we will be able to look back at all of our hard work and say, "I am healed." And that if anything else hits us in the future, we will know what to do to heal again, because we finally have the truth about how our bodies work and how to heal them.

So if someone says they "tried Medical Medium and it didn't work", I would assert that this statement is false. They more likely gave up because they didn't see the results they wanted to see in the time they wanted. My friend, they didn't even give it a week before they gave up. They didn't even read the book or try to understand the information. They wanted some quick fix, some overnight result and that just isn't realistic. Real healing takes time because we are literally nursing our bodies back to health. Health that some of us never even had, not even from birth. Myself included.

And don't even get me started on how many people blame Medical Medium for not working when they aren't even using the information correctly. They continue to eat foods that feed pathogens or "cheat" once a week or once a month because they don't see immediate consequences. Or they aren't eating enough or getting enough calories. Or they aren't eating frequently enough and supporting their adrenals. Or they continue to eat high fat, putting more stress on the liver. They are not actually using the information fully but then blame Medical Medium for it "not working". That's user error, my friends, not Medical Medium not working.

The truth is, if you are truly using the Medical Medium information - all of it - and you are taking out the foods that feed pathogens, eating the healing foods, herbs and supplements, you are healing. If you are eating enough calories and grazing frequently and supporting your adrenals, you are healing. And that's not to say you need to implement every single step all at once either - it takes time to implement just like it takes time to heal. One thing at a time for a lasting change. It doesn't need to be overwhelming. Self-compassion is just as important as the foods, herbs and supplements. Building trust by utilizing the angels and the meditations are also just as important. Adding each of these things into your life and having them become habits - all of that takes time and it's an ongoing process.

Be gentle with yourself and give yourself credit for every single thing you implement, because it's all progress and it's all a part of your journey. Give yourself credit for doing the work that pays off - because it does. YOU CAN HEAL. When you have the truth about how the body works, the truth about what causes chronic illness, the truth about healing foods and healing the soul - YOU CAN HEAL. Medical Medium offers that truth, and if you are willing to make the journey and do the work, YOU WILL HEAL.

Medical Medium information DOES work. And not just for me because I'm some magic snowflake. It works for me because I use it - ALL of it - and because I have a human body. And this is how human bodies work. If you have a human body and are still alive, you can heal too. And yes, it takes time - the amount of time varies by person because we all have different toxin and pathogen levels and daily exposure. In that way we are ALL snowflakes. But with perseverance, trust, compassion and time, we can all heal.

I love you, my Healers and Health Seekers. Stay Curious. 

P.S. - Even if you have read this whole post, it's really worth watching the video, as they were created at different times and have a slightly different take on the same topic. The blog post is not a transcript of the video, so there's more!

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