Thursday, July 25, 2019

Whats Up Wednesday #61 - Lymphatic System Needs Support [Medical Medium Healing]

Well, 49 days completely raw, completely overt fat free, completely salt-free - that's pretty amazing, right? I mean, I'm super proud of myself for getting that far. And all that raw causes a LOT of detox, which can get pretty intense if one doesn't have the means to properly support it.

And right now, in the RV, the way things are, I don't. The detox was happening too fast, and I don't have enough ways to support my lymphatic system to get all of those toxins out. That's going to create a situation where it's the opposite of what I want - my liver having to do twice the work to re-contain all of these toxins lest they just be floating around in my body or stuck in my sluggish lymph. I do NOT want that!

I was also - maybe because of the heat, maybe because of being in the RV, maybe because of all of the extra stress we are under right now - just not able to eat enough to get in the glucose my body needs even more of right now. And so I had to stop, take stock, and regroup.

And I reintroduced steamed potatoes and other delicious steamed veggies. Still raw until dinner, still getting in as much hydrating foods as possible. And when I am in a better position to really support my lymphatic system in all of the ways it needs while cleansing and detoxing, I will do my fully raw again and see where I can go with it.

In the meanwhile, I am really going to focus on supporting my lymphatic system in the ways that I can while I am in the RV, and really supporting my adrenals as well. Both of those need all of my attention right now I have learned, and so I am listening and taking that on as my primary focus instead. More about it all in the video!

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