"Chronic illness is growing at an alarming rate. Even with the massive amount of organic food being cultivated now, even with the awareness about removing processed foods from our diets, even with the newest healing modalities, sickness is present like never before. No one is escaping illness, not unless they have the right information to stop the ticking clock. "
"This is not a lifestyle book. It's a lifetime book. In a sea of false truths, this is about saving lives." ~Anthony William, Medical Medium
This is truth. This quote is from the new Medical Medium book, "Cleanse to Heal". I have read this book cover to cover, and now with the #cleansetohealbookclub I am going back through each chapter to take it in again, one powerful morsel at a time. This is an incredibly powerful book. It's not like any other book out there. This book is truth. It's living words, and it comes from God.
I don't say that lightly. I say it because it's important, and it's truth. I have read just about every health book out there before I came to the Medical Medium information. I spent 20+ years of my life seeking the answers on how food could be our medicine and what was the right way to eat for optimal health. I devoured all of the "science" on both sides of the food wars - from The China Study to Weston A. Price to Atkins to GAPS and on and on and on.
I overhauled my familys' diet multiple times in my quest for optimal health. We ate organic, we went gluten-free, dairy-free, corn-free, we tried traditional foods, fermented foods, ACV, probiotics, SCD, GAPS, raw food, raw meat, the blood type diet, protein power, Atkins, Paleo, the candida diet, Autoimmune Paleo, Low FODMAPS AIP, low oxalates, vegetarian, and I'm pretty sure there are even more that I am forgetting.
But in every single one of those belief systems, across the communities of people seeking to be the healthiest they could be, I noticed that in each one, people were still getting sicker and sicker. People were losing the battle for optimal health. Losing function. Losing health. Why did Autoimmune Paleo need to exist, for example, if Paleo was the all-time optimal way of eating on the planet? And why were SO many members of that community having to give up more and more foods and turn to autoimmune Paleo if it was so ideal?
By the time I found the Medical Medium information, I was down to only being able to eat a handful of foods and I was sicker than I have ever been in my life. I had an entire page of chronic illness diagnoses including autoimmune ones, and I had volumes of symptoms and conditions that had taken my whole life and all of my functionality away. I was allergic to the world, homebound, suffering from physical as well as mental illness, and very close to no longer being on this planet.
The truth is, none of those belief systems actually had answers to why we were all getting so sick. They were all playing guessing games and using US as the guinea pigs. Worse, using us as a way to line their own pockets - not just in book sales, but in supplement lines, powders, foods and other products that are supposedly for health. Medical Medium calls them carpetbaggers - opportunists, snake oil salesmen that prey on the chronically ill for their own profit. It's not only selfish, it;s dangerous. It's playing with people's lives and causing them betrayal after betrayal, breaking their trust again and again.
But when I found the Medical Medium information, it made SO much sense. It filled in every blank where all of the science had left off. It filled in blanks for the questions science had never bothered to ask. And little by little, all of that other information fell away. It became noise in the background because the Medical Medium information actually had answers. And not only were there answers, but it actually worked. And not just for Me, but for millions of people around the globe who are finally healing their chronic illnesses when nothing else ever did. REAL healing, not temporary bandaids.
That's what the truth does. It works. It brings healing. It brings peace. It erases all of the confusion and noise and stands above the rest. It goes by word of mouth. It's not backed by some interest groups seeking to make a profit off of people's suffering. It's backed by results. It's backed by people actually healing. It's REAL. And it MATTERS.
For me, I don't even pay attention to any of the other noise out there anymore. I don't need to, because I'm no longer confused and searching desperately for answers. I've found the answer. When you truly understand how bodies REALLY work, what's REALLY going on in there, what pathogens and toxins we are affected by and why. Why foods that used to be survival foods and staples have become unsafe, what foods really do cause healing and why and how. When you have that, you have peace. You have healing - not just of the body, but of the mind, spirit and soul as well. Of the broken trust and the betrayals. You gain trust. You gain faith. And most of all, you gain FREEDOM.
And I have that now, and it's thanks to all of the incredible dedication and hard work of Anthony William, Medical Medium. He, in these books, has given me the answers that have given me my life back. Given me the healing foods back. Given me peace and freedom. And I want you to have that too. You deserve it. You deserve to heal. You CAN heal.